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July 2015 Vol. 52 No. 11

Apple Academic Press

The following review appeared in the July 2015 issue of CHOICE. The review is for your internal use only. Please review our Permission and Reprints Guidelines or email

Science & Technology

2014-44127 Can. CIP
Green biorenewable biocomposites: from knowledge to industrial applications, ed. by Vijay Kumar Thakur and Michael R. Kessler. Apple Academic Press, 2015. 547p bibl index afp ISBN 9781771880329, $149.95.

There has been a rapid rise of interest and importance in sustainable materials and green chemistry, with many books dedicated to biomaterials and biocomposites.  However, there are a vast number of biomaterials.  These books often differ in their selection of materials to discuss, and the material may be presented from an engineering or a chemistry perspective.  This volume, edited by Thakur and Kessler (both, Washington State Univ.), includes some of the same biomaterials, such as cellulose and nanocellulose, as in similarly titled books, but it also includes hydroxyapatite and spider silk.  It largely focuses on composites prepared for specific applications, with several chapters describing biocomposites for sound absorption and others for use in the body, but biocomposite processing and properties are extensively discussed throughout much of the book.  Although chemists can understand some chapters and engineers can understand others, readers should have a good background in polymer science to take full advantage of this book.

--P. G. Heiden, Michigan Technological University

Summing Up: Recommended. Graduate students, researchers/faculty, and professionals/practitioners.